Samsung has launched the Galaxy Mega 5.8, the company’s latest smartphone in the Mega series in India. The Galaxy Mega 5.8 was announced last month, packs a 5.8-inch qHD (960 x 540 pixels) TFT capacitive touch screen display, powered by a 1.4 GHz dual-core processor and runs on Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean). It has a 8MP auto-focus rear camera with LED Flash and a 1.9 MP front-facing camera. and comes with dual SIM support with dual Standby and dual SIM Always On feature that enables the user to receive calls on one SIM number while taking a call from the other.
It has Group Play for easy content sharing, Samsung Link, S Translator, Story Album, Multi Window and ChatON Messaging service.
Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 specifications
5.8-inch qHD (960 x 540 pixels) TFT capacitive touch screen display
1.4 GHz dual-core processor
Android 4.2 Jelly Bean OS
8MP auto-focus rear camera with LED Flash
1.9 MP front-facing camera
Dual SIM (GSM + GSM) with dual standby
9.0 mm thick and weighs 182 grams
1.5 GB RAM, 8 Internal Memory, expandable memory up to 64GB with micro SD
3G HSPA+21Mbps, Wi-Fi a/b/g/n, WiFi Direct, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS+GLONASS
2600 mAh battery
The Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 is priced at Rs. 25,100. It comes with data offers, unlimited WhatsApp, Twitter and Facebook access from Reliance for 3 months and free data from Vodafone and would go on sale across India next week.
Samsung also launched the Galaxy Mega 6.3, the company’s latest smartphone in the Mega series in India along with the Galaxy Mega 5.8. It was announced last month, packs a 6.3-inch HD ( 1280 x 720 pixels) TFT capacitive touch screen display, powered by a 1.7 GHz dual-core processor and runs on Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean). It has a 8MP auto-focus rear camera with LED Flash and a 1.9 MP front-facing camera.
It has Group Play for easy content sharing, Samsung Link, Samsung WatchON offers program recommendations, schedules, and remotely control your TV, S Translator, Story Album, Air View to preview emails, photos in the gallery using hand gestures, Multi Window, Pop Up Play and ChatON Messaging service.
Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 specifications
6.3-inch HD ( 1280 x 720 pixels) TFT capacitive touch screen display
1.7 GHz dual-core processor
Android 4.2 Jelly Bean OS
8MP auto-focus rear camera with LED Flash
1.9 MP front-facing camera
7.9mm thick and weighs 199 grams
1.5 GB RAM, 16GB Internal Memory, expandable memory up to 64GB with micro SD
3G HSPA+21Mbps, Wi-Fi a/b/g/n/ac, WiFi Direct, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS+GLONASS, NFC, MHL
3200 mAh battery
The Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 is priced at Rs. 31,490. It comes with data offers for Reliance and Vodafone customers similar to the Mega 5.8. It would go on sale in the India by mid-June.