The HTC One X and the HTC One V in the HTC One series is now available for pre-order in India from online retailer Flipkart. The HTC One X comes with 4.7-inch Super LCD HD display , 1.5 GHz Nvidia Tegra 3 Quad-Core processor, 8MP camera with Full HD (1080p) video recording and 1.3 megapixel front-facing camera, NFC .
The HTC One V comes with 3.7-inch display and is powered by 1 GHz processor. It has 5mp camera with auto focus, smart LED flash, and BSI sensor and 720p HD video recording.
Both the phones run on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) Operating System with HTC Sense 4 UI and has Beats audio integration. Both has 3G, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth v4.0 and aGPS.
The HTC One X has 1 GB RAM, 32 GB internal memory and 1800 mAh battery.
The HTC One V has 512 MB RAM, 4GB internal memory, 32GB expandable memory and 1500 mAh battery.
The HTC One X is available for pre-order from Flipkart at Rs. 37,899. The HTC One V is available for pre-order at Flipkart at Rs. 18,299. Both the phones are expected to ship in the 1st week of April, which is next week.