iBall has launched Andi 2, Dual SIM Android Phone with Dual Standby which is the successor of Andi. It has 3.5-inch capacitive touchscreen display and runs on Android 2.2 ( Froy0). It is powered by 800MHz processor and has 3MP rear camera and VGA front camera. Even though this phone has faster processor, it would face a tough competition with other Dual SIM Android phones, Spice Mi-350n, Micromax A75 and Micromax A73 that are cheaper and runs on Android 2.3( Gingerbread) OS.
iBall Andri 2 specifications
- 3.5-inch capacitive touchscreen display
- Android 2.2 (Froyo) OS
- Dual SIM with Dual Standby
- 800MHz processor
- 3MP rear camera and VGA front camera
- 3G, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS
- 3.5mm audio jack
- Expandable memory up to 16GB with MicroSD
- 1450 mAh battery
The iBall Andi 2 is priced at Rs. 9,999 (MRP)