Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How to Protect your Twitter Account ..?

Social media is one of the most powerful tools when it comes to sharing stuffs and it is also prone phishing attacks and other threats. Bitdefender Safego for Twitter is an online tool which allows you to protect your Twitter account against all threats like scams,phishing links and other threats. It scans social network users’ accounts and detect spam, scams and other e-threats, while also keeping users aware of personal information exposure.

To start using it, open this link and then authorize the app to access your Twitter account. Once authorized, it scans for your account and then informs you of any threats. You can also use the service to scan any user for scam.

Step -1

Step -2

Step -3

Bitefender Safego uses the following color code to rank the severity of a threat (flags against the accounts):
  • Red: Highly suspicious accounts. Accounts usually get a red flag after they are detected as spreading malware, spam or as being used for phishing.

  • Yellow: Moderate threat. While they are not necessarily spam bots, accounts flagged with this color attract followers using mechanisms that may be considered spammy or annoying by certain users.

  • Grey: Low threat. Grey flags indicate that no message has been sent from the respective account for the past 30 days. If the account holder is unknown to you, this may raise doubts as to the legitimacy of the account’s purpose.

  • Green: No threat.

You can also check for any profile using the tool, just enter the Twitter handle and it scan for any threats.

Safego will send you a DM in case of any threats detected and for this you need to follow their account and the whole process is automated. You can also set it to scan your DMs.

Go to Bitdefender Safego for Twitter

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